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I. L. IurynetsConstitutional law of UkraineНавчальний посібник підготовлений з урахуванням останніх досягнень наукової конституційної думки та сучасного конституційного законодавства. У посібнику законодавчі та інші нормативно-правові акти подані за станом на 15 лютого 2019 року. Для студентів спеціальності 081 «Право». Може бути корисним для аспірантів і викладачів юридичних вищих закладів освіти, які вивчають українське право англійською мовою. The manual «Constitutional Law of Ukraine» aims to provide methodological assistance to persons studying the subject of Constitutional Law of Ukraine in English (English-language project). The manual is compiled to reflect the latest scientific achievements of the modern constitutional thought and constitutional law. Legislative and other normative legal acts are presented in the manual before February 15, 2019. For students speciality 081 “Law”. For students, postgraduate students and teachers of law schools and other educational institutions, who study Ukrainian law in English (English-language project). It may be useful for other people interested in studying or teaching Ukrainian law in English. |
Стислий змістIntroduction Section 1. Constitutional law as a branch of law, science and academic subject Section 2. System of sources of constitutional law of Ukraine. constitutional and legal relations and responsibilities in constitutional law Section 3. The constitution of Ukraine and its development Section 4. Constitutional order and its securing in the constitution of Ukraine Section 5. The fundamentals of the legal status of human and citizen. citizenship of Ukraine. the legal status of foreigners and stateless ersons. the status of refugees Section 6. Constitutional rights, freedoms and duties of human and citizen Section 7. Outpouring of popular will Section 8. Referendum in Ukraine Section 9. Constitutional system of state authority Section 10. The constitutional and legal status of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Section 11. Legislative process in Ukraine Section 12. The president of Ukraine Section 13. The cabinet of ministers of Ukraine Section 14. Other bodies of the executive power Section 15. Constitutional principles of judicial power. Prosecution office of Ukraine Section 16. The territorial structure of Ukraine Section 17. Constitutional principles of local self-government Submitted indicator Literature