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Polischuk A. P.,
Стислий змістPREFACE. Study unit 1. QUANTUM PROPERTIES OF ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION 1. Thermal Radiation. 1.2.Photoelectric effect. Einstein's equation. 1.3.The braking X-rays. 1.4.Compton effect 1.5.Light pressure. Corpuscular scattering of light 1.6.Test Questions. 1.7.Sample problems. 1.8.Problems. Study unit 2. RUTHERFORD-BOHR ATOM 2.1.The atom nuclear model. 2.2.Hydrogen atomic spectrum. 2.3.Bohr's postulates. Frank and Hertz experiments. 2.4.Bohr model of the hydrogen atom and hydrogen-like ions. 2.5.Test Questions. 2.6.Sample problems. 2.7.Problems. Study unit 3. PRINCIPLES OF NON-RELATIVISTIC QUANTUM MECHANICS. 3.1.The wave properties of substances. 3.2.Schrodinger equation. Physical interpretation of the wave function. 3.3.The simplest examples of microparticles motion. 3.4.Test Questions. Study unit 4. QUANTIZATION OF ATOMS . 4.1.Quantization of the hydrogen-like atom. Quantization of energy. 4.2.Quantization of angular momentum and magnetic moment of the electron. 4.3.Spectral features of alkali metals. 4.4.The fine structure of spectral lines. The electron spin. 4.5.Total mechanical and magnetic moments of an electron. 4.6.A many-electron atom mechanical momentum. 4.7.Pauli principle. The electrons distribution on an atom energy levels (shells). 4.8.Multipart wave function. Uncertainty of the identical particles. Bosons and fermions. 4.9.Mendeleev’s periodic table of elements. 4.10.Characteristic X-ray. 4.11.Moseley law. 4.12.Test Questions. 4.13.Sample problems. 4.14.Problems. Study unit 5. ATOMS IN MAGNETIC FIELDS. LASERS. 5.1.Zeeman effect. 5.2.Electron paramagnetic resonance. 5.3.Spontaneous and induced radiation. 5.4.Lasers. 5.5.Test Questions. 5.6.Sample problems. 5.7.Problems. Study unit 6. LABORATORY WORKS. Laboratory work 1. Study of heat radiation laws. Laboratory work 2. Studying of photoelectric external effect. Planck’s constant determination. Laboratory work 3. Study of hydrogen atom spectrum. and Rydberg’s constant determination. Study unit 7. INDIVIDUAL HOME TASKS. APPENDIX. Literature list. |